What Does the Future Hold for Online Meeting Rooms?

Online Meeting Rooms

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced us all to rethink in-person meetings by scheduling them through online meeting rooms instead, but that doesn’t make them any less important. Successful entrepreneurs, such as Googles SEO Sundar Pichai believe that spending time face to face is “super important when you have to solve hard problems and create something new.”

So, what does the ongoing pandemic and lockdowns mean for the future of online meetings?

#1 Face to face meetings will be key

Many of us now know that there is something about a face-to-face meeting that cannot be easily replicated, despite how useful technology for our productivity. Clever software, such as Meeting Rooms, can help by allowing us to judge people’s engagement and read their body language in a similar way to how we would in the “real world”.

Clever businesses must find a way to balance in-office and remote work as we all continue to navigate this “new normal”. Meeting spaces in a physical office should be designed in a way that not only supports productive working for everyone in the room, but also those dialling in remotely as well.

#2 Common user experiences are a must

Everyone on your team needs to be able to access the same technology in order for them all to receive the same experience. Frictionless technology is therefore key to allow people to communicate across different platforms while maintaining the security of your business.

#3 Great sound and picture quality are vital

Great audio and video are essential when supporting meetings between people who are in an office environment and those that are working from home. There are lots of options available across devices, so it is vital that you do a little research and opt for something that is compatible with all devices and systems that are being used. MeetingRooms is based online, so there are no downloads or installs needed, and you can have up to 20 people in the same meeting room for free.

#4 Connectivity cannot be overlooked

Wherever the meeting is happening, in the office or at home, people need to be able to connect to it easily, either wirelessly or through cables. Touchpoints should be minimised as well, to avoid the potential spread of infection. Meeting participants are therefore likely to want to use their own devices to connect to the meeting, and so MeetingRooms is ideal for this, as they can connect to it from any device as long as they have internet access.

If you want to experience what Meeting Rooms can do for your company, then you can request a demo of our online meeting rooms software by calling 0845 351 9917 (during office hours).